If you’ve decided to sell your Arizona land, stop looking for a listing agent and consider your options before making a costly mistake. Not all properties and not all sellers fit perfectly into the standard MLS listing model. Some land sellers feel quite a bit of pressure to carry the expenses of getting their property sold fast. Time is of the essence for these sellers; waiting for the listing process and loan approval for buyers isn’t feasible. In addition, some sellers aren’t in a position to complete all the necessary steps to properly post their listing and manage inquiries. So when you’re ready to sell your land but aren’t sure how to get it done, you want to have as much information available as possible. But did you know, there are some things that a traditional realtor won’t share? Read on as we explore five things an Arizona listing agent may not tell you.
Your Options For Selling
An Arizona listing agent may not tell you about different sales methods. Sure, they’ll probably tell you that you can try to sell your land with them, or you can attempt to sell it on your own. But, agents typically won’t tell you that working with a Direct Land Buyer, like Investment Land Alliance, is most times, your best option for an easy, hassle-free sale. A direct buyer will discuss all of your options with you to help you decide which method suits your unique circumstances best. The direct buyers and the full-service team of industry pros at Investment Land Alliance are local, living, and working right here in Arizona, and we’re proud of the work we do as a part of the real estate market. To that end, our goal at Investment Land Alliance is to help improve the quality of life in our community and help our neighbors, like you, solve their problems.
Your Closing Date
This is a big one, especially if you’re in a hurry to sell your land. An Arizona listing agent won’t be able to predict when they can find a buyer and if that potential buyer will be able to close the deal. Sure, they could project a relative timeframe, but in the end, there are no guarantees. However, a direct buyer like those at Investment Land Alliance can work with you to set the closing on the calendar date that works best for you. As a bonus, while sellers typically cover the closing costs with a traditional listing, you’ll never pay closing costs when you sell directly to Investment Land Alliance. At Investment Land Alliance, we don’t believe sellers should have to pay any extra expenses to sell their land.
Your Total Expenses
An Arizona listing agent doesn’t tell you how much you’ll profit until your property sells. So holding costs, the monthly or annual expenses that you continue to carry for taxes, HOA fees, maintenance, etc., will continue to tally up as your property lingers on the market. Direct buyers like those at Investment Land Alliance lay it all out in the open and are transparent with the numbers used to calculate our offer, which we want you to agree is fair. At Investment Land Alliance, we want you to feel good about your direct sale long after closing.
Your Total Profits
An Arizona listing agent can’t tell you exactly how much of your final sales price you’ll owe for their commissions; however, you will know the percentage to deduct. On the other hand, you won’t pay commissions by selling directly to a professional buyer like those from Investment Land Alliance. No hidden fees will come off the top at your closing. When you work with a direct buyer like those at Investment Land Alliance your professional buyer will detail the profits you’d make from listing vs. selling directly. At Investment Land Alliance, we do this because we want you to make an educated decision about such a significant financial transaction.
How Much You’ll Pay for Repairs
While real estate agents may advise you on the repairs, upgrades, and possibly clearing your property you should consider, something an Arizona listing agent will not tell you is the total amount of expenditures you’ll face before the final sale. They may suggest cleaning or clearing the land of debris as a means to increase the curb appeal of the land. But this can prove a costly expense depending the condition and the location of the property. At Investment Land Alliance, we lift the burden and risks of making repairs off your shoulders and onto ours; when your deal closes, your responsibility ends.
There are many things an Arizona listing agent isn’t going to tell you, mainly because they don’t know yet. The direct buyers at Investment Land Alliance eliminate the loan process for buyers with a cash offer. Cash allows the direct buyers at Investment Land Alliance to bypass the red tape of conventional listings with a convenient and fast guaranteed closing date. A direct sell to a professional buyer at Investment Land Alliance can save you from out-of-pocket expenses and the hassles of showings with no commissions, hidden fees, or complicated contracts. Talk to a direct buyer at Investment Land Alliance about your land and find out how we can help you overcome any hurdles you face with no obligation. Call Investment Land Alliance at 480-779-8444.